Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Scott Lord Silent Film: Silent Film Studio Tour, Thomas Ince Studios

Biographer John Drinkwater, in his volume The Life and Adventures of Carl Laemmle perfunctorily puts the career of Thomas Ince into its historical perspective, "Ince died in 1924, before his time,". Writing on the death of Thomas Ince during 1925,the periodical Exhibitor's Trade Review waxed poetic, "He loved the clean, the beautiful, the sublime. He embellished and ornamented everything he touched. But he yet held the life trend true in its course and in that relation opened wide the way for the higher and grander conception of the Screen are to obtain in the future through the work of kindred spirits who will find inspiration and encouragement in the bigger and nobler accomplishements which the devoted his useful years.

Thomas Ince as a producer had formed the Triangle Film Corporation with D.W. Griffith and Mack Sennet during 1915, with him leaving to First National by 1917, joined there by D.W. Griffith in 1919.
Exhibitor's Herald during 1924 reported a new stage having been built for Ince's selection of directors, its dimensions seventy two by one hundred and eighty feet.

Silent Film Thomas Ince

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