Scott Lord on Silent Film

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Scott Lord Silent Film: Harold Lloyd in Haunted Spooks (Hal Roach, 1920)

SIlent FIlm SIlent Film

The Haunted House (Buster Keaton, Edward Cline, 1921)

Buster Keaton and Eddie Cline began the decade by directing two reel comedies, including The High Sign", "The Boat", "The Playhouse" and "Hard Luck" during 1921. silent film

Scott Lord Silent Film: The White Rose (D.W. Griffith, 1923)

After directing “The White Rose” (twelve reels) in 1923, D. W. Griffith in 1924 directed the film “America” and “Isn’t Life Wonderful” during 1924.

D.W. Griffith

Silent Film